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Official Presentation of the Senior Team of Sporting Clube Farense at Forum Algarve

20/07/2023 - 20/07/2023

We are pleased to invite all our visitors to a special event in the central square of Forum Algarve!

On July 20, at 9:00 pm, you will be able to attend the official presentation of the senior soccer team of Sporting Clube Farense, which recently ascended to the I Football League.

This event is the result of the most recent partnership established between Forum Algarve and Sporting Clube Farense, a collaboration that we are very proud to announce.

In addition to the team presentation, there will also be a space dedicated to the sale of official club merchandising. This is the perfect opportunity for fans and supporters of the club to purchase official items and show their support.

As part of this partnership, Forum Algarve also had the privilege of vinylating the bus that transports the first team to soccer training.

This event is not only a celebration of our partnership, it is also a celebration of our local community! We invite all soccer fans, especially Sporting Clube Farense supporters, to join us for this special event.

“You are from Faro You are Farense!”