The Orange Weekends are back! January 25th and 26th


We believe that sustainability is a commitment to the community and the environment, in which every action, no matter how small, makes a difference.

Our policy is guided by the principles of an Integrated Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System, with Forum Algarve certified by the reference standards ISO 9001 in the scope of quality, ISO 14001 regarding environmental performance, and ISO 45001 for safety and health at work.

Over time, we have been implementing sustainable practices in our daily operations to reduce our impact on the environment.

Energy consumption

We have photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of the building since 2012, which produce the equivalent of the energy needed for the annual consumption of more than 120 people.

Our building has 100% LED lighting.

In 10 years we reduced energy consumption by more than 1.3 million kWh.
Representing a reduction:
Annual energy supply for around 360 inhabitants of the city of Faro.
Of 288 tonnes of oil equivalent (TEP).

Currently, Forum Algarve consumes -1⁄3 of the energy consumed ten years ago.

The charging stations for electric vehicles installed in Forum Algarve have already made it possible to avoid the emission of 116 tonnes of CO₂ into the atmosphere.



Water Conservation

In 10 years, we reduced water consumption by around 3.4 million liters.

The equivalent of 25,000 immersion baths.

During this period, we saved the same amount of water that around 18,000 inhabitants of the city of Faro consume per day.




Waste Management

99.9% of waste produced at Forum Algarve is recovered.

On average, are sent annually for recycling:

In a decade, Forum Algarve reduced its waste production by 20 tons per year.

On average, Forum Algarve produces just 0.128 kg of waste per visitor per year.

Wastewater from restaurants undergoes biological treatment using enzymes to reduce the concentration of fats and improve water quality.